Bead Tribe / Bead Huddle

The Bead Tribe (formerly known as the Bead Huddle) is a wonderful gathering of imaginative individuals, where everyone is welcome. We come Together to work on our unfinished projects and enjoy a delightful evening of beading among friends. Whether you revel in beading, crochet, painting, knitting or simply engaging in good conversation, The Bead Tribe is for you!

As like minded crafty peeps, we can Relate! Over the years we have met so many wonderful people, and so many friendships have been made. We have really embraced the essence of meaningful human connections! Whether you’ve been coming since we opened in 2012, or are new to our group you we look forward to seeing you at the Bead Tribe!

One of our main goals at Island Cove is to be a source of Inspiration for your creative endeavors! We Inspire each other to try new techniques, put different colors together, solve a bead problem, learn a new skill, or to just simply be a part of our creative family!

We come together to Be Creative! Creativity is the ability to make or otherwise bring into existence something new, transcend traditional ideas, rules, and patterns. We create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, and interpretations! Originality and imagination come together to form a new artistic object, piece of jewelry or project!

We are not just a bead store or an art gallery, part of our mission is to Educate and help expand your knowledge in something that we all feel passionately about! We have created a beautiful beading community where we love teaching and learning new things! We look forward to sharing our expertise, and helping each other grow in our creative escapes!

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